Do You Have Numbness, Tingling or Burning in Your Hands or Feet?

If you are experiencing these types of symptoms, you are not alone. These symptoms can be indicative of nerve damage or neuropathy, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Fortunately, there is good news for those suffering from neuropathy. Recent research suggests that there are effective treatments available to reduce the symptoms of neuropathy and even reverse nerve damage.

To better understand neuropathy and how it affects the body, it can be helpful to think of nerves like telephone cables. Just as telephone cables have copper wire inside and insulation outside, nerves have a protective myelin sheath outside that transmits messages from the brain to other parts of the body. However, as we age, our nerves become less effective at transmitting these messages, slowing down for various reasons such as a poor diet, lack of exercise, and environmental toxins like second-hand smoke. Peripheral nerves located in the fingers, toes, hands, and feet are particularly vulnerable, as they have a thinner cable and any damage can slow them down dramatically.

While age is a common factor contributing to nerve damage, other causes of neuropathy include diabetes, trauma, chemotherapy, alcoholism, and autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, neuropathic pain is difficult to treat, and standard medications are usually not effective enough and have unnecessary side effects.

However, recent research conducted by scientists in Japan and Germany offers hope for those suffering from neuropathy. Proprietary diabetes infusions developed by Om Integrative Medicine in consultation with learned scholars and scientists have shown tremendous benefits in addressing and reversing nerve damage caused by diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or cancer treatment. These infusions have been shown to significantly relieve symptoms such as pain, tingling, and prickling in the feet and legs.

It is important to note that the information provided here is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing numbness, tingling, or burning in your hands or feet, please consult with a medical professional for proper evaluation and treatment.


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